Kirsten Gillbrand Chosen to Replace Clinton

According to this local news station, (link here:… and the Albany Report, Kirsten Gillibrand has apparently become Patterson’s choice to replace Clinton and he intends to formally announce her as his appointee tommorrow with several Democratic members of the State Congressional Delegation. This shocking move effectively ends DavidNYC’s bid to become New York’s next Senator.

Here’s the article:

PIX News has learned Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand is the choice of Governor David Paterson to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton.  Two Congressional sources tell PIX News that the Governor will make his announcement in Albany at noon tomorrow.  He has invited members of the state’s Democratic Congressional delegation to join him.

The sources told reporter Marvin Scott that the Governor has called members of the delegation for their views after Caroline Kennedy withdrew herself from consideration.  One of the contenders, longterm Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney canceled a scheduled appearance on “PIX News Closeup” Friday because of a “conflict,” which she did not disclose. She too will be in Albany. According to the sources, Gillibrand, now in her second congressional term, was favored by both Senator Churck Schumer and Secretary of State Clinton.  Paterson has been under pressure to select a woman.

With most Democratic leaders in Albany coming from the New York City area, one source said this would be an important move for the Governor to have a Senator from upstate. And it is felt Gillibrand would be an asset to Paterson in any bid for election in 2010.

Gillibrand was sworn into office in January 2007 and is currently serving her first term as U.S. Representative to New York’s Twentieth Congressional District, which stretches across the upstate counties of Saratoga, Dutchess, Columbia, Rensselaer, Washington, Warren, Delaware, Greene, Essex and Otsego.

Gillibrand, who resides in Hudson, New York, is married and has two children, a four-year-old and an infant.

Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, who is considered the candidate with the most experience for the Senate, was a frontrunner.  But the Congressional source told Scott, “appointing him would have presented the Governor with a problem of a successor,” one that could have led to a political battle in Albany, an appointment influenced by combative Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and vote of the entire legislature.

As one source noted, “in politics you never know,” but based on the information they have heard and shared with PIX News Governor Paterson intends to name Kirsten Gillibrand as New York’s next Senator at a noon news conference tomorrow in Albany.

Let me just say I’m really excited about this. She was my choice candidate to being with; moderately liberal, intelligent, and she is well known and has a solid base of support in one of the more conservative leaning regions of the state. She keeps the seat invulernable from a challenge, she is a very good campaigner, and I like that she’s from upstate New York as this sends a signal that Democrats are no longer completely beholden to NYC, (which is one of the reasons upstate New York has tended to vote Republican, geography).

What do you all think about this development?

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23 thoughts on “Kirsten Gillbrand Chosen to Replace Clinton”

  1. that Paterson could have made.  Almost anyone else, including Caroline Kennedy with her tax/nanny issues, would have been a better pick.

    Gillibrand will be primaried and probably beaten in a primary against someone in NY metro, and then that bloody primary puts the seat at risk against Peter King.  Any major Democrat will be able hammer her for “carrying the NRA agenda” in the NYC metro area.  And if Peter King is pro-gun control, he will hammer her on that issue, if Gillibrand gets out of the primary somehow.

    On top of it, we lose a House seat.

  2. To judge Paterson and whether this was a good pick or not.  That’s the conclusion I reached.  

    1. Do No Harm.  We can’t lose Gillibrand’s seat over an appointment.  This would be pulling a Haley Barbour from last cycle.

    2. Keep ’em coming.  In order to keep pushing Republicans out of New York entirely, we need to bait King into the senate race.  

    3. Accomodation.  Gillibrand needs to shift on a select few issues to accomadate for her new constituents.  

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